A few days ago, Joel Standwood posed this question on the Lean Edge. Why has the Lean movement largely failed to capture the imagination of the sales team? The Lean Edge is where invited Lean Experts are posed a question and respond with advice about it. I am thrilled to see Lean Sales and Marketing conversations starting to take place.
A recap and my interpretation of what was said is below and indented. These are not quotes; I encourage you to read the entire thread. I would like to mention that the people in this thread know more about Lean in their little finger than I do in my entire body. However, their comments I think accurately points out why Lean has not captured the heart and soul of the sales and marketing community.
In Joel’s comment, he accurately points out that “the most alluring promise of Lean is to boost sales, delivering ever higher variable contribution margins while delighting customers and winning in the marketplace. Yet, the language of Lean to unlock the growth engine of the company rarely enters the sales vernacular, and in general, sales professionals are far less likely to have participated in Kaizen.”
Orry Fiume responded with “Get field sales people to participate in shop floor kaizens!” He mentioned at Wiremold they insisted that all field sales people had to participate in shop floor kaizens. In this way, they could see the disruption that they caused by encouraging customers to order in big batches while at the same time they began to recognize how shorter lead times (from weeks to days) would enhance their ability to meet customers’ needs.”
Pascal Dennis emphasis similar thoughts but brings out the point that we focus too much on the making and not enough on the selling. He compliments the Wiremold successes.
Art Byrne answered the question from a CEO perspective, that is what he was and a damned good one, I might add. He said is it is a lack of understanding Lean as a business system. He correctly states it is simply about providing more value than your competitor.
This is traditional Lean thinking that leads us to focus our efforts of continuous improvement internally versus externally. We are constantly trying to improve internal processes making them more and more efficient. What I believe the comments are missing is that there has been a significant shift in the marketplace and at the moment the customer is in control. Supply exceeds demands. However, Lean seems to be still on the wrong side of the fulcrum, the internal processes. Very often we can assist sales and marketing by providing Lean concepts to make their task more effective and efficient. There is no question about it. However, at the heart of the process that Lean experts never address is DEMAND in an economy of excess supply. They still believe that you can drive demand through operational efficiency. Businesses can no longer sell and market with a mindset that demand exceeds supply. In this day and age, for the vast majority of products and services supply exceeds demand. As a result, the supply-side thinking of better, faster, cheaper in the market place is a fallacy. If it is still true in your market, hold on to your seat because it is changing and at a pace that only through the iterative process such as PDCA will we compete (aka: Lean startup, Design Thinking, Service Design, Agile). The Lean mindset is simply stuck in product (Goods) dominant thinking or GD-Logic. Additional information is available on this page, Service Dominant Logic (SD-Logic). There are a few notable exceptions that I believe understand this view (not saying they agree with my thoughts) to include Dan Jones, Stephen Parry and Steve Bell, but it is rare to find SD-Logic thinking within the Lean community. Most people look at the sales and marketing process through an internal lens (GD-Logic). They focus on delivery. Instead, you must focus on how the customer uses your product, as described so often in Clayton M. Christensen Jobs to be done approach (Do You Know the Right Job For Your Products?). You may have to take a step further than that to find demand. Demand is found on the edges where opportunities exist. Most of us believe that means taking our products and spreading our marketing funnel horizontally or from a process point of view, becoming more effective and efficient within the funnel. Instead, we should be in the customer’s environment (playground) and finding the edges there. Those are the unexplored areas that create demand. Apple’s demand has not increased because of more features and benefits. It has increased because of more ways to use the product, apps for example. Amazon has not grown and prospered because of more features and benefits but through customer use of their core services. 37 signals did not grow and prosper because of Ruby on the Rails rather through the proliferation of simple highly focused cloud products that facilitated at first only software developers. Rolls Royce did not capture market share by building better, faster, cheaper aircraft engines. They did it through developing a leasing and service system for those engines. It was on the edges of the customer’s playground that demand was developed.I agree with Jean Cunnigham more than anyone else on the thread, scary thought for Jean. She says the fault is not with the sales team, but in our ability to translate lean concepts to the core of the sales process.
Jeff Liker accurately states that Lean should be most often started in operations where there is a template for success. He discusses delivery of product and services.