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Monday, May 3, 2010

Value Stream Marketing eBook Released

Joe Dager of Business901 just released a 27-page eBook which provides an overview of the Value Stream Marketing Process. The book is an overview of applying Lean principles to the marketing process. It also serves as an introduction to the Business901 Marketing Kanban and the Value Stream Marketing 28 day program. Value stream Marketing

Short Excerpt:

Value Stream Marketing is not about developing a repeatable process. Repeatability means doing the same thing in the same way to produce the same results. Though repetition will allow you to convert your inputs to outputs with little variation, it also implies that no new information can be generated and used. Repeatable processes are not effective because precise results are rarely predictable in the marketing process. Reliable processes focus on outputs, not inputs. Using a reliable process, you can consistently achieve a given goal even though the inputs vary dramatically. Reliability is results driven.

Marketing cycles are not completely stable. They are subject to variations caused by new knowledge. They are constantly being improved. The emphasis of activities changes during projects from more emphasis on understanding the customer at the beginning to more constructing and testing marketing functions at the end. We are trying to eliminate variation caused by new knowledge. A marketing process that does exactly the same thing every time is useless, but we are trying to eliminate variation that we cause for no good reason. 

The eBook is available through my Ezine registration or part of the participation in the VSM 28 day program.  These can be found on the Business901 website.   

Related Posts:
Value Stream Marketing Registration
Marketing Kanban 101

Picture was Adapted from a Lean Product Development Diagram by Eric Ries of

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