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Monday, December 20, 2010

Lean thinking in Sales and Marketing

Corporations can no longer prosper in a system designed for excess supply. The simple fact is that supply exceeds demands in most cases. You must challenge yourself to think about business differently.

There are companies that have prospered during these times. Consider Wal-Mart, Toyota, Amazon, and Southwest Airlines. They have advanced where others have simply failed. It is simply not a matter of copying what they are doing. You can’t achieve excellence and move ahead of competition by copying. It is about learning and adapting quicker than your competition but not in your playing field but your customers.

LMH&A3My new book, Marketing with A3 does not solve 1 thing! In fact, it suggests that you only use a pencil and a piece of paper and a little collaboration. It will make you better at defining your problem in every aspect of your sale and marketing and as you develop your proficiencies internally, you will move that expertise into your customer playground.

Marketing with A3 starts you down a path of logical thinking and demonstrating results within the internal confines of your marketing. It forces you to Gemba to see the plans in action and as a result start identifying the external problems that you’re trying to solve for customers. It stops short in defining the solution for you. You have to take it to the next level. It is only made to create thought for you to solve your own problems, for you to create your own A3s.

It is a problem solving process that enables you to apply a systematic method to your marketing and sales. You will define your problems clearly; bring meaning to your data, to your actions and to your implementation. Though it seems simple, it forces you to ask tough questions. It forces you to condense your thoughts on to a single page – which is a focusing method in itself.

The Lean Marketing House is the big picture book, an overview of applying Lean to marketing where Marketing with A3 is more tactical. If you have interest in starting to look at your sales and marketing in a different way consider my offer: purchase the Lean Marketing House and you will receive Marketing with A3 free at the time of release. This offer will expire when Marketing with A3 is released.

An Overview of the Lean Marketing House

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Starting with Lean A3 Thinking in Marketing
Introduction to Marketing with A3
The 7 step Lean Process of Marketing to Toyota
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