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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Truth about Performance

In this enlightening podcast, N. Dean Myer discusses his new book, Internal Market Economics. Don Tapscott said it was “essential reading for executives interested in maximizing shareholder value or in running effective shared-services organizations.” Dean offers a fresh vision of empowered, entrepreneurial organizations, and practical solutions to a host of pressing financial and management challenges.

Dean Meyer is one of the original proponents of running shared-services organizations within companies as businesses within a business, where every managerial group is an entrepreneurship funded to produce products and services for customers. Dean is the author of seven books. He invented FullCost, a business and budget planning process based on an internal product/service costing solution. He researched the science of organizational structure, captured in his Structural Cybernetics framework and reorganization process.

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I first came across Norm several years ago reading two other books,The Building Blocks Approach to Organization Charts and Decentralization: Fantasies, Failings, and Fundamentals. I had re-read them due to my recent foray into those two subjects.  I wanted to corner Dean about his thoughts and he responded by sending me his latest book. I started out the podcast asking about Internal Market Economics and never did get around to the other subjects for 30 minutes. As a result, a second podcast on Decentralization and Organization Structure will take place next week.

Dean’s websites are or FullCost at

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