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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Most Marketing Systems are Out of Control.

Most Marketing systems are out of control. They have not been managed with understanding of the process speed and the effect of the flow on the process. As a result, performance has to be sub-standard.  My marketing has too many variables to define my Value Stream! Can you afford to say that?

Depending on your industry, marketing can be anywhere between 5 to 30% of your total expenses. In most operations that I am familiar with it runs in the neighborhood of 5 to 10%.  It is not uncommon to find labor at a similar amount. Would you accept the same amount of variability in your workforce? If you have variability in your marketing, why not cut the budget? Increasing it only will increase the variability. On the other hand, if you have low capacity you have little variation. Is that the problem you want to have?

Variation in demand and in processing time will have a major impact on your total process lead time.  If you are functioning close to your optimum level, customers in your value stream, and you get a sudden rush of opportunities, the opportunities will be severally minimized by just variation alone.

How do you minimize variation and get a handle on the process? It has to do with segmentation. If you have not segmented your list properly, you have tremendous variation and the numbers you are looking at and companies run on numbers, are skewed. You must segment until you can get a handle on variation. It does not mean you have to segment to, there is none. You have to segment until you can start to minimize the variation that is incurring. You must conquer complexity to start narrowly defining your problem.


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Value Stream Mapping for Marketing

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If you control it well, it flows well!

Following the Customer’s Need in your Value Stream Map

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