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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Value Stream Mapping – Finding your Customer’s Need

Focusing on the customer NEED is essential to the success of any marketing. We should all recognize this idea. However, do we really embrace this idea? Do we really believe that such an effort can drive our marketing and improve the chance of a sell?

It is important that we understand and are able to express what is critical in satisfying that need. Starting out in the Value Stream Mapping process we first create a Current State Map. I use the Duct Tape Marketing Hourglass as a template in creating a current state map for each marketing segment. After the Current State Map is created, we must analyze this process. We must do this to ensure that we are working on the right things from the customer's perspective.

This is where we will start finding the true waste in our marketing process. Should we be happy with 2% direct mail returns or accepting the fact that we need to be in front of a customer 7 to 9 times before we get action. We need to ask whether we are making assumptions about what customers need. We need to ask our customers what they need and whether this is properly communicated throughout each stage of our marketing process.

An organization exists only to provide value to a customer. Are we supplying value in each phase of our marketing process? If you cannot, see how to re-create that phase in the process or it may be one that you need to stop. Everything you do should create value. If you do, your customers are much more likely to stay engaged.

In my Marketing your Black Belt Webinar, I discuss the lack of clarity as the #1 reason that professional service firms lose jobs. I also believe that your “fuzziness” may directly relate to a customer becoming disengaged.  Having clearly defined outcomes based on a customers need will prevent that and reduce your variation in the process. 

What does variation have to do with the marketing process? Variation creates uncertainty or a lack of clarity. The reason that you may be losing jobs. The lack of confidence in the ability of your marketing processes to deliver on your customer needs. Variation reduces the chances for the customer to trust you.

The simplicity of a single flexible marketing model will create clarity for your customers, staff and as a result better execution. Utilizing a process, you also will spend your time on your customer’s need versus continuously managing the process.

Shameless plug: The Ultimate Marketing System

Shameless plug: The Ultimate Marketing System

Why do The Pillars of the Lean Marketing House™ crumble?

Get Rid of Your Marketing Vision Statement and Address the NEED!

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