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Thursday, November 20, 2008

#1 Rule For A Successful Blog

Read the entire post from Six Pixels of Separation - By Mitch Joel at Twist Image

If you had to choose your #1 rule for what it takes to create a successful Blog, what would it be? Mine is: create real interactions between human beings.

Finding your passion is one thing. Uncovering a unique niche is another. Attempting to turn a six-figure income from your Blog might be what drives you, but what will really keep the momentum going and your readers engaged is if you create a platform to not only share your own insights and personal thoughts, but use it as a place to really connect with those readers and enable that to turn the entire Blog into a thriving community.

It's something that will take a lot of internal and personal struggle (especially if it's a business Blog).

If everything you do Blog about has an end-game of making you slightly more famous, how does that help, grow and nurture your online community?

The conversations are everywhere.

What is your #1 rule for creating a successful Blog?

Tags: blog blog marketing blogger blogging book oven business blog business magazine conversation friendfeed hugh mcguire human being internet culture librivox media newspaper online community publishing twitter

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